Made up of specalized lawyers from various fields of criminal law, our team is fully qualified to assist in legal-criminal, judicial or extrajudicial issues.
Our team spirit, personalized assistance and commitment to our clients are the main advantages and significant market differentiators of our law firm.
Attorney / School of Law and Social Studies. UNC.
Specialist / Criminal Law, School of Law and Social Studies. UNC.
Attorney / School of Law and Social Studies. UNC.
Specialist in Economic Criminal Law / University of Castilla La Mancha, Ciudad Real, España.
Postgraduate diploma / Criminalística y Criminología, expedido por Ateneo Universitario, Código: DPCC180019, 2018.
Contributor / Legal Magazine "Actualidad Jurídica" of Criminal Law.
Member / Criminal Law Chamber of the Legal Research Institute of the Cordoba Stock Exchange.
Member / Institute "Dr. Jorge De La Rúa" of Criminal Sciences from the National Association of Law and Social Studies of Cordoba.
Author, co-author and contributor / Scientific publications on criminal matters.
Attorney / School of Law and Social Studies. UNC.
PhD / Law (Cum Laude). Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, Spain.
Master / Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences. Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, Spain.
Official Master / Legal Sciences. Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, Spain.
Professor / Criminal Law II. School of Law and Social Studies. UNC.
Contributor / Legal Magazine "Actualidad Jurídica" of Criminal Law.
Member / Criminal Law Chamber of the Legal Research Institute of the Cordoba Stock Exchange.
Member / Institute "Dr. Jorge De La Rúa" of Criminal Sciences from the National Association of Law and Social Studies of Cordoba.
Contributor / www.iuscrimbcn.org
Attorney / School of Law and Social Studies. UNC.
Former fellow / UNC in the World program under an agreement with the University of Guanajuato, Mexico.
Student / Specialization in Tax and Economic Criminal Law. Siglo XXI University.
Attorney / School of Law and Social Studies. UNC.
Student / Specialty in Criminal Law. UNC and UNL.
Affiliate / Criminal Procedural Law. School of Law. UNC.
Professor / Human Rights Training Program in the context of confinement. Human Rights Observatory. UNC.
Attorney / School of Law and Social Studies. UNC.
Administration and Personnel Area.